How to Subdivide Your Property? Complete Details

How to Subdivide Your Property? Complete Details

subdivide your property

Want to increase your property’s value and create additional income? Property subdivision is a smart move for it.

By subdividing land, you open up opportunities for development or sale. Potentially boosting your return on investment (ROI).

But before getting into it. It is important to know what is the subdivision process in Western Australia?

It comes with a range of rules, regulations, and requirements that can be complex to handle. That’s why we’ve compiled a land subdivision guide. That will help you make the best decisions and get the most out of your investment.

At PDCD Homes. We’ve helped countless clients transform their lands into high-value assets. Our experience can make the journey stress-free and rewarding for you.

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What is Property Subdivision?

“Subdividing property means taking a single block of land and splitting it into two or more smaller lots.”

It’s not something you can just do on your own. But requires proper approval from the local council and several other legal requirements.

Subdividing is a good way to increase the value of your property and make a profit. You can choose to sell the new lots, rent them out, or both. However, it’s important to carefully consider the costs involved. Including development and subdivision expenses. To ensure that potential profits will outweigh the money you invest in the process.

How to Know if You Can Subdivide Your Property?

Before subdividing your land in WA, you’ll need to consider a few key factors.

They include:

  • The size of land
  • Zoning rules
  • Access of land to necessities (roads, water, and electricity)
  • Existing easements
  • Setback requirements
  • Environmental protections
  • Intended use

Consulting a local town planning expert can help you navigate these challenges. You can also work with professionals like surveyors or engineers. We offer you the best planning team at PDCD Homes. To prepare the necessary reports and plans for your application.

4 Key Factors to Consider Before Subdividing Land in Western Australia

If you want to subdivide property in WA. Don’t forget these important factors before starting the process.

1. Market Demand and Feasibility

  • Make sure there’s a demand for the type of lots you want to create.
  • Do some research to see if there are potential buyers or renters.
  • Figure out if the project is financially viable given the current market.

2. Infrastructure & Services

  • Look at the existing infrastructure and services. E.g. roads, water, sewage, and electricity.
  • Check whether these need upgrades or extensions.
  • Calculate the cost of these upgrades.
  • Measure the feasibility by comparing costs to your budget.

3. Environmental Considerations

  • Be aware of any environmental issues that could affect your subdivision plans.
  • Consider things like protected vegetation, nearby water bodies, or heritage sites.
  • Check the environmental regulations you will have to follow.
  • Also, check the special permits or approvals you will need.

4. Zoning and Regulations

  • Understand the zoning laws and planning rules that apply to your land.
  • Know the required minimum lot sizes, setbacks, and other important details.
  • Make a list of restrictions set by the local council or relevant authorities.

These regulations will shape what’s possible with your subdivision

Land Subdivision Process in Western Australia | 7 Stages

Wondering how to subdivide land in WA?

Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to help you through the process. We’ve presented the seven stages with estimated timelines. To give you an idea of how long each step can take.

1. Feasibility Study & Planning (2-4 Weeks)

Before subdividing your land, it’s important to check if your project is practical and worth doing. This means:

  • Examining zoning laws
  • Infrastructure needs
  • Market demand
  • Potential costs

You’ll also need to create a detailed plan showing how you intend to divide the land.

2. Initial Consultation and Research (1-3 Months)

Next, get familiar with the West Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) guidelines. The WAPC plays a crucial role in approving land subdivisions in WA.

To start your project. You’ll need to submit a subdivision application to the WAPC for an initial review. You can also hire a subdivision consultant or town planner for assistance. At PDCD Homes, our team can provide you with expert advice on local regulations. We help you navigate the legal requirements. And make sure that your project complies with all necessary standards.

3. Survey and Subdivision Design (2-3 Weeks)

An expert surveyor will then conduct a detailed survey of your land. And draft a subdivision plan. This plan will show:

  • Infrastructure of new lot
  • Boundaries
  • Easements
  • Access points
  • Connection of utilities like water and electricity

The design will show you how your lots will be serviced by existing or planned setup.

4. Development Application and Approval (Up to 3 Months)

Once your subdivision plan is ready. It’s time to submit a development application to your local council or WAPC.

This application, with all necessary documents and a subdivision plan, will be reviewed. That whether it meets all the regulations or not.

5. Infrastructure, Services & Construction (12-24 Months)

The next step is to make sure that all the infrastructure is in place for the new lots. E.g. roads, drainage, and utilities.

You will work with utility companies to meet specific requirements set by the authorities. If you want to build homes on the new lots, this is when construction can begin.

6. Compliance and Conditions (1-2 Months)

With your approvals in hand. The next step is to comply with any conditions set by the council or the WAPC. This includes:

  • Meeting specific infrastructure standards
  • Obtaining clearances
  • Adhering to environmental and heritage regulations

Make sure that each new plot has proper street access. And consider its impact on any existing structures on the property.

7. Lodgment and Plan Registration (2-4 Weeks)

Finally. You’ll lodge your completed subdivision plan with the relevant land titles office. Once registered, individual titles for each subdivided lot will be issued. Officially recognizing them as separate properties.

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What is Zoning and R-Codes in WA

In Western Australia, zoning and R-codes play a key role. In determining how many homes can be built on a piece of land. And how dense those developments can be.


It is a construction strategy that helps manage housing density. By ensuring there’s enough high-density housing where it’s needed most. E.g. near the city.

R-codes (Residential Design Codes)

They are a set of guidelines that dictate the density of housing development on different plots of land.

The most important R-codes in WA are given below. With densities and constructions, they allow.



Construction Types


Low density

Larger lots and single houses.


Medium density

Mix of housing types like single homes, duplexes, and small apartments.


Higher density

Modern developments such as apartments and townhouses.


Very high density

Urban buildings with good access to amenities and transport.


Extremely high density

Central city areas or near major transport hubs.

What Is the Minimum Land Size for Subdivision In WA?

There are specific rules and regulations related to subdividing land in Western Australia. That suggests the minimum area allowed for subdivided property and each division of it. Depending upon your area’s zoning code (R-code).

So, measure your area and note the R-zone before deciding to subdivide it.

R Zone

Minimum Area of Each Block (sqm)

Minimum Property Area (sqm) Needed to Subdivide

























Land Subdivision Costs in Australia

Curious about how much it costs to subdivide property in WA?

The cost of subdividing land in WA can vary a lot based on different factors. These include where the land is located, the size of the subdivision, the type of development you’re planning, and what the local council or other authorities require. Generally, you can expect several types of fees, such as:

  • Planning fees
  • Surveying fees
  • Application fees
  • Infrastructure fees
  • Development contribution fees

Cost Variations with Type of Subdivision

On average, the total cost for subdividing land in Australia ranges from $30,000 to $90,000. Here’s a rough idea costs for different types of subdivisions.

Subdivision Type


Price Guide

Two-lot subdivision

Property is divided into two halves

$32,000 to $38,000

Three-lot subdivision

Three compartments are made

$47,000 to $53,000

Four-lot subdivision

Land is divided into four distinct lots

$57,000 to $66,000

Complete house demolition and site clearing

Building is demolished first and then the land is subdivided

$15,000 to $25,000

These estimates give you a general sense of what to expect. But costs can vary depending on specific project details and requirements.

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Benefits of Subdividing Land in WA

Subdividing property in WA offers many advantages:

  • Boost Property Value: Create individual lots to significantly enhance the overall property value.
  • Unlock Development Potential: Open doors for new residential or commercial projects.
  • Flexible Use: Combine residential and commercial spaces to suit diverse needs.
  • Profit from Sale: Expect a profit margin of 15-45% depending on whether you build or sell vacant land.
  • Build & Move: Construct a new home and move into it while selling your current property.
  • Investment Property: Keep the new land or house for future use or rent it out for passive income

Want to subdivide property without any inconvenience?

Contact PDCD Homes for Expert Property Subdivision in WA

At PDCD Homes, we specialise in transforming large plots into smaller and valuable lots. Our expert service can make it easier for you to subdivide property. And build your home on it or generate some extra income.

Our team handles everything from detailed land surveys to the subdivision process. Making the process seamless for you. If you’re interested in buying a subdivided property, building homes, or exploring profitable land sales. We can guide you every step of the way.

So, don’t wait.

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